Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday's Assignment

In your country of origin, when do people tell their kids about the birds and bees? How do they do that? Is it mainly done in school or at home?
Did you know the idiom?
Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Describing Bodies
  2. Read, think about, and discuss this report.
  3. In which grades is homophobia discussed in this document? Use Ctrl-F to find keywords.
    1. How is Canada's sex education compared to that in your country of origin?
    2. Discuss this with a partner from a different country. Take notes.
    3. Record on chirbit a group discussion about the similarities and differences as well as how you feel about what it should be like in Canada.
    4. Listen to another group's chirbit and leave a comment.
  4. Write a brief trip report about yesterday's Remembrance Day Service. When did you arrive, what did you see, who did you talk to, and how did you feel? Add pictures.
  5. Sign up for next Thursday's job fair.

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