Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fearless Field Trip to to the Falls

Drummond Hill ghostbusters ... courtesy Chang
Tethered via technology, our three-car convoy took us to the frozen Falls, frozen cemetery, and a contrastive series of retail destinations. The finicky weather was no deterrent as our gang of new Canadians hoofed it over from the Rainbow Bridge to the Canadian Falls and back, followed by a glimpse of the ghost of Laura Secord from behind the locked gates of Drummond Hill Cemetery, where two hundred years and four months ago some 1,600 combatants fell as Canada's only-ever invaders provoked the worst battle of the War of 1812 on the gentle slope leading up to Lundy's Lane.
Taking us back to the present was a burger lunch and visits to the Outlet Mall, a thrift store, and other stops on the ginseng and wine route.

Be sure to check out all your classmates' pictures.

It's a long way to Niagara Falls, but my heart lies there.

Smooth runnings going

Brrrutally cold, but we're new Canucks, eh?

Still half-frozen in spring!

It ain't sundae. Yet.

Happy campers!

Why Welland Canal was dug

The star of the afternoon--alumnus Daniel Ren of Mississauga graciously volunteers to provide carpooling service for the class!

Teresa, Chang, Hamidreza, Feng, Ling, Salim, Daniel, and Mohammadali sneak a quick selfie while Mehran's not looking.

We're lovin' it, all right! Mehran again missing ... probably in the same place!

Chang's thinking his next move.


  1. Aww, missed so many of you. God-willing, if we can round up enough cars in the summer, who knows, but we could go around the time of the reenactment of Lundy's Lane--wouldn't that be something? :)

  2. a nice trip! we enjoy the good time!


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