Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday's Assignment

Good afternoon! Great job, folks! Hope you're all confident about Emergencies by now!

Here are your tasks for the rest of the afternoon:

Task one:

Write a short trip report about yesterday’s field trip. Interview a classmate about it. Describe what you liked, what you didn't like, what you learned, and if you would like to repeat it again or not and why.

Task two:

Please register for the IEP conference that is coming up on Feb. 26thClick here and send me the confirmation after the registration.

Good morning! How does it feel the morning after a ski lesson? Have you ever dialed 9-1-1 for someone who's really sick or sore? What do you say? Today, we consider the topic of medical emergencies.
Here are your tasks:
  1. Enjoy listening and learning vocabulary here.
  2. Practise this conversation by yourself and then with a partner. Record it on Chirbit or audioboom.
  3. Listen to, practise, and record with a partner this conversation.
  4. Try doing a jumping exercise, and record it on Chirbit or audioboom.
  5. Create a third Chirbit or audioboom with your partner, this time using random information and vocabulary that you have learnt this morning.

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