Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

So, besides Christmas, which we've looked at over the last couple of days, what else do Canadians celebrate? Imagine being Santa Claus and arriving in a home that doesn't celebrate Christmas:

Why is this picture funny? Identify some of the objects you see in this picture.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa
    1. Learn the vocabulary, using a good online text-to-speech resource. Can you recommend one? How about any of the following?
      1. From Text to Speech: speed, voices
      2. ReadSpeaker TTS + accents
      3. Text2Speech: simple choices
    2. Then do the usual, practising speaking aloud and getting a partner to practise with.
    3. Do you think it's ok to mix up various traditions? With your partner, write a 10-line dialogue using the vocabulary you have learnt. Feel free to include a chirbit.Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Graphic
  2. Listen and take notes: Hanukkah for Kids.
    1. Discuss in groups of 4 or more how historical Hanukkah is.
    2. Publish your findings.

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