If you broke into a house, would you know what the things you see are called? What are those flowers and wreaths, those sponges and scrubbers, those quilts and duvets, those thingamajigs and whatchamacallits? Explore these Home & Garden categories, and learn at least a word, with its meaning and pronunciation, from each category.

- Take dictation of this call, only of the dispatcher's speech, from the beginning to 1:48.
- Check with a partner, and then reenact with 2 or 3 partners using your own caller’s details.
- Record on Chirbit.
- 911. 911, hon' (honey).
- So you're saying that you were just robbed?
- Did they have any weapons?
- And do you know who they were?
- What's your name?
- You're twelve? You're home by yourself?
- OK, how did they get in the house?
- Was the door unlocked, hon'?
- So they came in through a locked door?
- How many people? Males/female? White/black?
- Males or what? Three black males.
- What were they in? That's ok--what kind of car, honey?
- What did they get from your house?
- And where were you at when this was happening?
- What did they make you do?
- [46, 48, 46, 51] Now just stay on the line with me just a second, hon'.
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