Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday's Assignment

Welcome back, bargain hunters!
  1. Write a trip report for yesterday's budget-conscious adventure.
  2. Is there a difference between tightwad, spendthrift, and thrifty?
    1. Make a list of the things you bought, from where, and how much you spent on each.
    2. Include a picture or two from our Facebook album.
    3. Then, in about 30 words, describe what the best experience that you had was, and what the worst was.
    4. In another paragraph, write down something useful you learnt or was surprising to you.
    5. Publish your report and write comments on your classmates' reports.
  3. Listening and Vocabulary: Budget Hotel Rooms
  4. Role Play: Ending Excessive Spending
  5. Discuss in a group of at least three classmates 3 ways to reduce spending. Create a recording of your advice.

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