Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

Welcome to Canada!

Canada receives immigrants and refugees from countries far away from here, which makes our culture all the more diverse. What are some of those countries?

  1. Watch this video and tell your partner why people are laughing.
  2. To prepare to use the Editing Checklist, review your grammar at Tense Buster Grammar Lessons:
    1. Find two tenses or grammatical features you need more work in, and then study them using Tense Buster, e.g. UI - Modal Verbs and A - Phrasal Verbs.
    2. Check your blog writing, and see how you might have used the tense. Did you use it correctly?
    3. Learn the rule well, and copy it into your Editing checklist.
  3. Watch this video ahead of our skiing lesson on Friday. Listen for the following words, and write down the counter position of each (the first one is given to you):
    1. waterproof clothes 0:16
    2. adjust the bindings
    3. slightly bent
    4. bunny slope
    5. rope tow
    6. snow plow, wedge position
    7. upside down V
    8. shift you weight opposite
    9. lazy zigzag fashion
    10. reach its summit

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