Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday's Assignment

Welcome back from our Remembrance Day field trip! Hope the video gives a peppier performance on the same pipe organ we heard!

We continue this morning on the following tasks:
  1. Write a trip report (with pictures from Facebook) on your blog:
    1. In the first paragraph, write about where we went and what we saw or did.
    2. In the second paragraph, write about one thing that surprised you.
    3. In the last paragraph, write about what you learnt from the field trip.
  2. Role play the following dialogues with a partner: 
    1. Picking up a Rental Car
    2. Questions about a Product
  3. With the same partner, think of a 1-minute dialogue about renting a tandem bicycle from a neighbour for a week:
    1. Publish the dialogue on your blogs.
    2. Include a recording of your dialogue.

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