Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday's Assignment

    Volunteer: Harry Drinkwater, pictured, recorded the horrors of the First World War in vivid diary entries
  1. Take dictation from the following Vocaroo audio, check it with a partner, and post it on your blog:
  2. Listen to the following WWI diary entry, following along with the text with blanks below, and post the missing words on your blog:

  3. Audio and voice recording >>

    Sunday, December 19
    No words can adequately describe the conditions. It’s not the (1) _____________ we’re fighting, but the weather. Within an hour of moving off, we were up to our knees in mud and (2) _____________.
    The mud gradually got deeper as we advanced along the trench.
    We hadn’t gone far before we had to duck; the enemy were sending over their evening salute of shells.
    Pal's battalion: Harry (centre left, marked in blue ink) joined the Second Birmingham Battalion alongside friends from home. Most of them died by the end of the war
    Pals battalion: Harry (centre left, marked in blue ink) joined the Second Birmingham Battalion alongside friends from home. Most of them died by the end of the war

    To move forward, I had to use both elbows for leverage, one each side of the trench. After about one and a half hours of this, we reached the firing line. Later, I groped my way to our dugout. What a (3) _____________.
    Imagine a (4) _____________ underneath the ground, whose walls are slimy with moisture. The floor is a foot or more (5) _____________ in rancid-smelling mud.*
  4. Practise singing Canada's Royal and National Anthems; O God Our Help in Ages Past; Eternal Father, Strong to Save; and O Valiant Hearts, Who to Your Glory Came.
  5. Back to our theme on healthcare professionals, here's a role play for you to try out: Going to the Dentist.
  6. Watch the following video of the most famous poem of Remembrance Day. What is its title? Google for it. Discuss your thoughts with a partner.
* You can check your answers below:

Check out the whole story here: 

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