Monday, January 25, 2016

Welcome Back!

This morning, in line with our weekly theme this week of Finance & Banking, we have a presentation from BMO's human resource specialists at 9:15 a.m.

If you have the time before or after the presentation, here are your tasks:
  1. What did you learn during the presentation?
    1. Name one thing, and write it out in fewer than 30 words. E.g. "What did I learn? Well, I learnt that ..."
    2. Say it to a partner and get their feedback.
    3. Record your voice on Chirbit or Audioboom.
  2. Visit 5 of your classmates' blogs and leave a nice and helpful comment on each one.
    1. You could leave a compliment like "Nice work!" "Great recording!" or "I like the way you described your experience!"
    2. You could leave a helpful hint like "I hope the verb tense lesson this afternoon helps" or "It would be great if you could iron out the w/v and th sounds."
  3. Write about last Friday's field trip, and like and add pictures from Facebook.

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