Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

Listen to one of Canada's beach volleyball athletes in the video below. What challenges does she face, and what does she do to overcome them? Can you take dictation of 4:15 - 4:36? Put your transcript under Comments, below.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Locate the participating nations on a blank map.
  2. Role play this dialogue, changing Olympic to Pan Am and cheering for Canada.
  3. Practise recording a Chirbit.
  4. Watch and discuss this short video. Select and reserve beach volleyball tickets in the S-B section.

Check your transcript here:
Ah, I definitely like to work hard. I'm not the tallest player on the court as you probably noticed, so I have to be at my peak physical form if I'm to compete on the world tour with people twice my height sometimes. And yeah, this is a huge component on the beach. I got to be able to jump high and last long rallies.


  1. Ah. I definitely like to work hard. I am not the tallest player on the court as you probably noticed, so I have to be at my peak physical form. If I am to compete on the world tour with people twice my height sometime. And yeah. This is a huge component on the beach. I got to be able to jump high and last long rallies.

  2. Ah. I definitely like to work hard. I am not the tallest player on the court as you probably noticed, so I have to be at my peak physical form. If I am to compete on the world tour with people twice my height sometime. And yeah. This is a huge component on the beach. I got to be able to jump high and last long rallies.

  3. I definitely like to work hard.I am not the tallest player on the court as you probably I have to be at my peak physical form If I'm to compete on the world tour with people twice my height sometimes. A yeah that this is a huge component on the beach, I got to be able to jump high and last long rallies.

  4. Ah, I definitely like to work hard. I'm not the tallest player on the court as you probably noticed, so I have to be at my peak physical form if I'm to compete on the world tour with people twice my height sometimes. And yeah, this is a huge component on the beach. I got to be able to jump high and last long rallies.

  5. Hi Joseph I fine some mistake in your txt now, you forgot the word "agents" in this sentences:
    If I'm to compete on the world tour agents with people twice my height sometimes.


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