Perhaps due to the enhanced advertising campaign this year, this year saw a bigger crowd at CBC's annual Sounds of the Season open house. Nor was the nippy weather any hindrance. After swigging our cups of free Keurig and visiting the museum and theatre behind the atrium, we snuck into the PATH underground city for lunch, several of us hitting Amaya Curry. And then it was back upstairs for the studio recording. Hope everyone had a grand, glorious time!
Welcome to Canada! Merry Christmas!
Here we come: Marjan, Iris and Aiden, Fazi, Tracy, Fides, Jielin, Maribel, Cheyenne, Aswathi, Esmail, Bo, Ling, Chang--photo taken by Mohammad on Chang's DSLR, and where's Yang Yang? |
You're goin' down, clown. Courtesy of Bo Lin |
Guess lunch wasn't too bad. Hope everyone stayed awake in the studio! |
we had a great day! :)