Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday Morning's Assignment

One often-recommended way to curb climate change and save on travel costs and time is to car pool. Have you ever joined a car pool? Did it make a splash?

Check out the following resources:

Here are your two tasks:
  1. CLB6S Reenact the roleplay with a partner, and submit your Chirbit recording using this form.
  2. CLB6W Write a paragraph of 5 or more sentences on how you would save the environment, and submit using this form.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

FRIDAY's Field Trip: Centre Island

We will be going to Centre Island on Friday, and here is a link to check it out.

Meeting time: 9.30 a.m. at Don Mills station outside the coffee shop above the platform.

We will arrive around 10.30 at the ferry terminal to Centre Island.

There is a beach and amusement park; so make sure to bring snacks, comfortable clothes, and bathing suits if you want. You can also bring your friends, neighbours, pets, grandparents, grandchildren, etc.

Be ready for a bunch of games and entertainment!

Tickets are available online, valid until Dec. 31!

Wednesday Morning's Assignment

So, is the world getting hotter or colder? In which direction is climate change moving?

First Ice Age
Here are your tasks to complete:
  1. CLB6L Check out this video, and transcribe 3:45 - 4:11.
  2. Compare the views of the video with those of Monday`s presentation, and submit using this form.

  1. Check out these reviews of Centre Island. Vote if each comment was helpful.
  2. Post a few comments on Liveleak Freaks.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Afternoon's Assignment

What went through your mind during this morning's talk? Did you leave feeling guilty about causing climate change? Were you dreaming of business opportunities in the green economy? Or were you thinking of the best free coffee in the world?
How important is marketing in the green economy?
Be sure to complete the following tasks:
  1. CLB6R Listen to and learn the vocabulary from this lesson on Business Trends.
  2. Read it aloud to two partners, and record it on Chirbit.
  3. Copy this question and the Chirbit link, and submit using this form.
  1. Go to this page and record your feedback on the LINC program under Comments.
  2. Practise saying this to yourself and then to a partner: "Well, Elle, I’ll tell Dell to smell the Dial while the pile in the aisle riles the isle for a mile."

Climate change vocabulary

Please know for Monday.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday's Assignment

If you broke into a house, would you know what the things you see are called? What are those flowers and wreaths, those sponges and scrubbers, those quilts and duvets, those thingamajigs and whatchamacallits? Explore these Home & Garden categories, and learn at least a word, with its meaning and pronunciation, from each category.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Take dictation of this call, only of the dispatcher's speech, from the beginning to 1:48.
  2. Check with a partner, and then reenact with 2 or 3 partners using your own caller’s details.
  3. Record on Chirbit.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday's Assignment

How was yesterday's visit downtown? Did you take notes and/or pictures? What was the best thing about it?

Just a quick note that at 12 p.m. we are free to join the IEP Webinar: “You’ve Landed, Now Bounce: Resilience Strategies for Internationally Educated Professionals”

Now, to get back to our theme, what kinds of emergencies are there at home? Ever heard of domestic abuse? Look at the picture below, and ask two partners what they think about it.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Read, practise with a partner this conversation, and record it on Chirbit.
  2. Trip report
    1. Use the following tenses correctly in your report in both the Active and Passive Voices:
      1. Simple Past
      2. Past Perfect Simple
      3. Past Perfect Continuous
    2. Write answers to the WH questions.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Field Trip Wednesday: Panamania and More!

On Wednesday, August 12, we are going downtown to join the festivities of Toronto's Panamania. We are meeting at 9:55 a.m. on the westbound platform underground at Bayview Subway Station and leaving on the 10 a.m. train. Please do not be late.

After getting off at King Station, we'll be checking out the premier financial district of Canada before winding up at City Hall's rooftop garden and Nathan Phillips Square, where an interesting program awaits.
Enjoy the wonderful sights and smells of Commerce Court!

Bring a camera and dress for some indoor and outdoor walking!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday's Assignment

Where's the baler?
What was the most dangerous experience you have had? Was it at work? What does the term amputation mean? Imagine getting amputated in a baler! Well, discuss the above questions with a partner before doing the tasks below.

  1. Listen and practise speaking 5 sentences from this before recording on Chirbit.
  2. Check out this Aliexpress page and count the categories of emergency products in the left column. 
    1. Discuss with a partner what surprised you the most.
    2. Compare your findings there with those on eBay's page.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday's Assignment

Good morning, and welcome back!

Let's hope everything goes smoothly this week. No surprises! Look at the cartoon below, and guess the theme of the week:
If you guessed health and safety or emergencies, you're correct!

Here are your tasks:
  1. Listen to, practise, and record with a partner this conversation.
  2. Try doing a "jumping exercise," and record it on Chirbit.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday's Assignment

Great job, guys! What a bunch of hard work you have done today and this week! But before you go on your weekend, here are a few tasks for you to think about.

What do you think: Can growing a garden be a very social activity? 
What opportunities of networking are there? Discuss with a partner.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Locate the nearest CGs on this map. Find the address and contact information. How many volunteer opportunities are available?
  2. Watch any video from this page, and list all its ingredients.
  3. Take notes on City Hall’s Green Roof. List what you would like to look out for when you get there.

The Passive Voice Chart has been published.

VERB TENSES: Affirmative, Interrogative, Negative
1 Present Simple
The car is driven
every day.
Is the car driven
every day?
No, the car is not driven
every day.
2 Present Continuous
The car is being driven
at this time.
Is the car being driven
at this time?
No, the car is not being driven
at this time.
3 Past Simple
The car was driven
Was the car driven
No, the car was not driven
4 Past Continuous
The car was being driven
when she fell asleep.
Was the car being driven
when she fell asleep?
No, the car was not being driven
when she fell asleep.
5 Future Simple
The car will be driven
to London next year.
Will the car be driven
to London next year?
No, the car will not be driven
to London next year.
6 Future Continuous
The car will be being driven
at this time tomorrow.
Will the car be being driven
at this time tomorrow?
No, the car will not be being driven
at this time tomorrow.

7 Present Perfect Simple
The car has been driven
Has the car been driven
No, the car has not been driven
8 Present Perfect Continuous
The car has been being driven
every day for a decade.
Has the car been being driven
every day for a decade?
No, the car has not been being driven
every day for a decade.
9 Past Perfect Simple
The car had been driven
when she bought it.
Had the car been driven
when she bought it?
No, the car had not been driven
when she bought it.
10 Past Perfect Continuous
The car had been being driven
regularly before she bought it.
Had the car been being driven
regularly before she bought it?
No, the car had not been being driven
regularly before she bought it.
11 Future Perfect Simple
The car will have been driven
for 300,000 km by tomorrow.
Will the car have been driven
for 300,000 km by tomorrow?
No, the car will not have been driven
for 300,000 km by tomorrow.
12 Future Perfect Continuous
The car will have been being driven
for 2 hours by 7 p.m. tonight.
Will the car have been being driven
for 2 hours by 7 p.m. tonight?
No, the car will not have been being driven
for 2 hours by 7 p.m. tonight.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday's Assignment

What do you think are some of the challenges of starting a garden in the middle of a city? What are the blessings? Jot down and share your list of pros and cons with a partner.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Take notes on this short video clip: 15:29 - 16:14. Compare your notes with a partner's. Then make a transcript of yours.
  2. Take notes on this video and share the top 3 secrets on chirbit/youtube. Are your choices the same as your partner’s. Leave your comments on your classmates’ blogs.
  3. BONUS ACTIVITY! It’s 3 p.m., and you ring up Oriole Community Garden about their Youth Leadership program for your kids. You also want to know how to register for their monthly potluck. With a partner, write a phone dialogue of 10 or 12 lines, and present it to the class and then on Chirbit/Youtube.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Shall we visit next Wednesday?

What would you be excited about?

Wednesday's Assignment

Wednesday Afternoon's Task:

Under Comments below, please provide feedback on the dictation triptych exercise on Community Gardening you just did.

  1. How many times have you done such an exercise?
  2. What did you like best about it?
  3. What did you dislike the most about it?
  4. Did it help you in any of the following:
    1. Grammar
    2. Listening
    3. Spelling
    4. Pronunciation
    5. Reading
    6. Writing
  5. What other feedback do you have? Any suggestion for improvement?

This Morning's Task

Remember our field trip last Friday? Where did we go? How was the weather? Who was there? What did you see? How were the food and drinks? When was the last time you had such fun? Who said what?

  1. Write a trip report on our visit to the Ribfest. Interview your classmates to include at least two direct quotations.
  2. Tag yourselves, eh?
  3. Include some nice pictures in your report.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Answer to the Dictation Exercise

  1. We’ve already picked the weeds, prepared the soil, and dug the holes for the new seeds and flowers.
  2. I think you’d better keep your mouth shut, or I’ll think of some new uses for that fertilizer!

Tuesday's Assignment

Welcome back! How was your long weekend?

In 2008, this holiday got another name. Guess what it is. Why?
This week, we are going to see some of the government and community services available in our neighbourhood:
  1. What are some things you could do in the summer? Do this exercise.
  2. Check out the Fun Guide, and identify 
    1. the activities at Oriole Community Centre
    2. your nearest rec centre
    3. seniors’ benefits under the Welcome Policy.
  3. With a partner, practise practise and perform this role play: Planting.

Answer key to editing checklist appetizer

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